Our premier startup accelerator program has organized its first Demo Day.

On March 23th, 11 startups of MStars Hub’s first cohort, have demonstrated the accomplishments of their 5-month accelerator journey on Demo day.

The accelerator program provides masterclasses by industry-leading mentors, grants, and offices to startups to help them develop and launch their digital products and services.

For the first cohort, 11 startups were meticulously selected from 170 start-up businesses across 36 industries.
During the Demo Day, 11 startups of MStars Hub received 138 investment proposals from 49 funds, VC firms, and private investors.

“Judging from the pitches, it is clear that in five months, they have accomplished what they were supposed to learn and accomplish in five years. It’s a testament to the pace of development of the startup ecosystem we’re all aiming to build. ”
- said Mr. Myagmarjav who serves as CEO and Managing director of MCS Investment and MCS Ventures.
MStars Hub is currently receiving applications for the second cohort, which is set to launch later this year.