On December 17th, 2021 the “Management Forum 2021” was held with the participation of the chairmen and CEOs of the top 150 Mongolian companies. During these uncertain times of pandemic, which is forcing the global economy and financial institutions to change and evolve on an unprecedented scale, CEOs of top Mongolian companies have gathered to discuss presented challenges and strategies to overcome them.

During the event, Mr.Myagmarjav, CEO and managing director of MCS Ventures and MCS Investment gave a presentation on “Investment and Technology” and shared insights on investment opportunities in the digital technology sector of Mongolia. He called on fellow CEOs to work together to build a robust startup ecosystem here in Mongolia, emphasizing that MCS Ventures will be open to collaboration and co-investment opportunities.

Digital migration opens up new investment opportunities

“By 2021, deposit rates have reached an all-time low, as a result, investors are increasingly moving to the stock market. A clear example of this is that in 2021, the Mongolian total market capitalization has reached its highest level of 5 trillion MNT. 500 billion MNT worth of new bonds were issued this year alone. In terms of cryptocurrencies, 175 billion MNT has been raised through ICOs and IEOs. In terms of volume, four trillion MNT was traded. Today, the stock market cannot be imagined through the stock market alone. With the digital transition, there is a lot of growth and new investment opportunities are emerging. As we see it, we hope that this transition will not stop, but will continue to grow at a much faster pace ”- Mr. Myagmarjav said during his speech.

What do we do at MCS Ventures?

MCS Ventures is dedicated to supporting the MCS group’s digital transition and building Mongolia’s startup ecosystem. Countries that have a healthy startup ecosystem, with plenty of investors, venture capital firms, and accelerator programs to support them, enable startups to become global unicorns that make a significant contribution to a country’s stock market and economy. MCS Ventures has been investing in technology startups to fill the investment gap since 2020, supporting the business and sharing the 28-year-old MCS Group’s business know-how to help them get to the next stages of business development.

About our new duo projects

“There are two things we’ve noticed while investing in various startups,”- he said. “There is a severe shortage of IT professionals in Mongolia. This was and still is one of the major obstacles for technology startups to grow and expand their businesses. Therefore, we’ve launched MStars Academy, which prepares job-ready IT professionals and coders using the MERN Stack curriculum.

MStars Hub

Also, we’ve launched the MStars Hub- a startup accelerator to empower startups and prepare them for investment. To better serve our participating startups’ global demand, our accelerator has joined the GAN network, which is the world’s largest network of accelerator programs.



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